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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.0;/** * @author Brewlabs * This treasury contract has been developed by */import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";import "./libs/IUniFactory.sol";import "./libs/IUniRouter02.sol";interface IStaking { function performanceFee() external view returns (uint256); function setServiceInfo(address _addr, uint256 _fee) external;}interface IFarm { function setBuyBackWallet(address _addr) external;}contract BrewlabsTreasury is Ownable { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; bool private isInitialized; uint256 private constant TIME_UNIT = 1 days; uint256 private constant PERCENT_PRECISION = 10000; IERC20 public token; address public dividendToken; address public pair; address private constant USDC = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48; uint256 public period = 30; // 30 days uint256 public withdrawalLimit = 500; // 5% of total supply uint256 public liquidityWithdrawalLimit = 2000; // 20% of LP supply uint256 public buybackRate = 9500; // 95% uint256 public addLiquidityRate = 9400; // 94% uint256 private startTime; uint256 private sumWithdrawals = 0; uint256 private sumLiquidityWithdrawals = 0; address public uniRouterAddress; address[] public ethToTokenPath; address[] public ethToDividendPath; address[] public dividendToTokenPath; uint256 public slippageFactor = 8300; // 17% uint256 public constant slippageFactorUL = 9950; event Initialized( address token, address dividendToken, address router, address[] ethToTokenPath, address[] ethToDividendPath, address[] dividendToTokenPath ); event TokenBuyBack(uint256 amountETH, uint256 amountToken); event TokenBuyBackFromDividend(uint256 amount, uint256 amountToken); event LiquidityAdded( uint256 amountETH, uint256 amountToken, uint256 liquidity ); event LiquidityWithdrawn(uint256 amount); event Withdrawn(uint256 amount); event Harvested(address account, uint256 amount); event Swapped(address token, uint256 amountETH, uint256 amountToken); event EthHarvested(address to, uint256 amount); event EmergencyWithdrawn(); event AdminTokenRecovered(address tokenRecovered, uint256 amount); event UsdcHarvested(address to, uint256[] amounts); event SetSwapConfig( address router, uint256 slipPage, address[] ethToTokenPath, address[] ethToDividendPath, address[] dividendToTokenPath ); event TransferBuyBackWallet(address staking, address wallet); event AddLiquidityRateUpdated(uint256 percent); event BuybackRateUpdated(uint256 percent); event PeriodUpdated(uint256 duration); event LiquidityWithdrawLimitUpdated(uint256 percent); event WithdrawLimitUpdated(uint256 percent); constructor() {} /** * @notice Initialize the contract * @param _token: token address * @param _dividendToken: reflection token address * @param _uniRouter: uniswap router address for swap tokens * @param _ethToTokenPath: swap path to buy Token * @param _ethToDividendPath: swap path to buy dividend token * @param _dividendToTokenPath: swap path to buy Token with dividend token */ function initialize( IERC20 _token, address _dividendToken, address _uniRouter, address[] memory _ethToTokenPath, address[] memory _ethToDividendPath, address[] memory _dividendToTokenPath ) external onlyOwner { require(!isInitialized, "Already initialized"); require(_uniRouter != address(0x0), "invalid address"); require(address(_token) != address(0x0), "invalid token address"); // Make this contract initialized isInitialized = true; token = _token; dividendToken = _dividendToken; pair = IUniV2Factory(IUniRouter02(_uniRouter).factory()).getPair( _ethToTokenPath[0], address(token) ); uniRouterAddress = _uniRouter; ethToTokenPath = _ethToTokenPath; ethToDividendPath = _ethToDividendPath; dividendToTokenPath = _dividendToTokenPath; emit Initialized( address(_token), _dividendToken, _uniRouter, _ethToTokenPath, _ethToDividendPath, _dividendToTokenPath ); } /** * @notice Buy token from ETH */ function buyBack() external onlyOwner { uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; ethAmt = (ethAmt * buybackRate) / PERCENT_PRECISION; if (ethAmt > 0) { uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwapEth(ethAmt, ethToTokenPath, address(this)); emit TokenBuyBack(ethAmt, _tokenAmt); } } /** * @notice Buy token from reflections */ function buyBackFromDividend() external onlyOwner { if (dividendToken == address(0x0)) return; uint256 reflections = IERC20(dividendToken).balanceOf(address(this)); if (reflections > 0) { uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwap( reflections, dividendToTokenPath, address(this) ); emit TokenBuyBackFromDividend(reflections, _tokenAmt); } } /** * @notice Add liquidity */ function addLiquidity() external onlyOwner { uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; ethAmt = (ethAmt * addLiquidityRate) / PERCENT_PRECISION / 2; if (ethAmt > 0) { uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwapEth(ethAmt, ethToTokenPath, address(this)); emit TokenBuyBack(ethAmt, _tokenAmt); ( uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountETH, uint256 liquidity ) = _addLiquidityEth(address(token), ethAmt, _tokenAmt, address(this)); emit LiquidityAdded(amountETH, amountToken, liquidity); } } /** * @notice Swap and harvest reflection for token * @param _to: receiver address */ function harvest(address _to) external onlyOwner { uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; ethAmt = (ethAmt * buybackRate) / PERCENT_PRECISION; if (dividendToken == address(0x0)) { if (ethAmt > 0) { payable(_to).transfer(ethAmt); emit Harvested(_to, ethAmt); } } else { if (ethAmt > 0) { uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwapEth( ethAmt, ethToDividendPath, address(this) ); emit Swapped(dividendToken, ethAmt, _tokenAmt); } uint256 tokenAmt = IERC20(dividendToken).balanceOf(address(this)); if (tokenAmt > 0) { IERC20(dividendToken).transfer(_to, tokenAmt); emit Harvested(_to, tokenAmt); } } } function harvestETH(address _to) external onlyOwner { require(_to != address(0x0), "invalid address"); uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; payable(_to).transfer(ethAmt); emit EthHarvested(_to, ethAmt); } function harvestUSDC(address _to) external onlyOwner { require(_to != address(0x0), "invalid address"); uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; ethAmt = (ethAmt * buybackRate) / PERCENT_PRECISION; if (ethAmt == 0) return; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress).WETH(); path[1] = USDC; uint256[] memory amounts = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress) .swapExactETHForTokens{ value: ethAmt }( 0, path, _to, block.timestamp + 600 ); emit UsdcHarvested(_to, amounts); } /** * @notice Withdraw token as much as maximum 5% of total supply * @param _amount: amount to withdraw */ function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner { uint256 tokenAmt = token.balanceOf(address(this)); require(_amount > 0 && _amount <= tokenAmt, "Invalid Amount"); if (block.timestamp - startTime > period * TIME_UNIT) { startTime = block.timestamp; sumWithdrawals = 0; } uint256 limit = (withdrawalLimit * (token.totalSupply())) / PERCENT_PRECISION; require( sumWithdrawals + _amount <= limit, "exceed maximum withdrawal limit for 30 days" ); token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); emit Withdrawn(_amount); } /** * @notice Withdraw liquidity * @param _amount: amount to withdraw */ function withdrawLiquidity(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner { uint256 tokenAmt = IERC20(pair).balanceOf(address(this)); require(_amount > 0 && _amount <= tokenAmt, "Invalid Amount"); if (block.timestamp - startTime > period * TIME_UNIT) { startTime = block.timestamp; sumLiquidityWithdrawals = 0; } uint256 limit = (liquidityWithdrawalLimit * (IERC20(pair).totalSupply())) / PERCENT_PRECISION; require( sumLiquidityWithdrawals + _amount <= limit, "exceed maximum LP withdrawal limit for 30 days" ); IERC20(pair).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); emit LiquidityWithdrawn(_amount); } /** * @notice Withdraw tokens * @dev Needs to be for emergency. */ function emergencyWithdraw() external onlyOwner { uint256 tokenAmt = token.balanceOf(address(this)); if (tokenAmt > 0) { token.transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmt); } tokenAmt = IERC20(pair).balanceOf(address(this)); if (tokenAmt > 0) { IERC20(pair).transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmt); } uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; if (ethAmt > 0) { payable(msg.sender).transfer(ethAmt); } emit EmergencyWithdrawn(); } /** * @notice Set duration for withdraw limit * @param _period: duration */ function setWithdrawalLimitPeriod(uint256 _period) external onlyOwner { require(_period >= 10, "small period"); period = _period; emit PeriodUpdated(_period); } /** * @notice Set liquidity withdraw limit * @param _percent: percentage of LP supply in point */ function setLiquidityWithdrawalLimit(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner { require(_percent < PERCENT_PRECISION, "Invalid percentage"); liquidityWithdrawalLimit = _percent; emit LiquidityWithdrawLimitUpdated(_percent); } /** * @notice Set withdraw limit * @param _percent: percentage of total supply in point */ function setWithdrawalLimit(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner { require(_percent < PERCENT_PRECISION, "Invalid percentage"); withdrawalLimit = _percent; emit WithdrawLimitUpdated(_percent); } /** * @notice Set buyback rate * @param _percent: percentage in point */ function setBuybackRate(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner { require(_percent < PERCENT_PRECISION, "Invalid percentage"); buybackRate = _percent; emit BuybackRateUpdated(_percent); } /** * @notice Set addliquidy rate * @param _percent: percentage in point */ function setAddLiquidityRate(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner { require(_percent < PERCENT_PRECISION, "Invalid percentage"); addLiquidityRate = _percent; emit AddLiquidityRateUpdated(_percent); } /** * @notice Set buyback wallet of farm contract * @param _uniRouter: dex router address * @param _slipPage: slip page for swap * @param _ethToTokenPath: eth-token swap path * @param _ethToDividendPath: eth-token swap path * @param _dividendToTokenPath: eth-token swap path */ function setSwapSettings( address _uniRouter, uint256 _slipPage, address[] memory _ethToTokenPath, address[] memory _ethToDividendPath, address[] memory _dividendToTokenPath ) external onlyOwner { require(_uniRouter != address(0x0), "invalid address"); require(_slipPage <= slippageFactorUL, "_slippage too high"); uniRouterAddress = _uniRouter; slippageFactor = _slipPage; ethToTokenPath = _ethToTokenPath; ethToDividendPath = _ethToDividendPath; dividendToTokenPath = _dividendToTokenPath; emit SetSwapConfig( _uniRouter, _slipPage, _ethToTokenPath, _ethToDividendPath, _dividendToTokenPath ); } /** * @notice set buyback wallet of farm contract * @param _farm: farm contract address * @param _addr: buyback wallet address */ function setFarmServiceInfo(address _farm, address _addr) external onlyOwner { require(_farm != address(0x0) && _addr != address(0x0), "Invalid Address"); IFarm(_farm).setBuyBackWallet(_addr); emit TransferBuyBackWallet(_farm, _addr); } /** * @notice set buyback wallet of staking contract * @param _staking: staking contract address * @param _addr: buyback wallet address */ function setStakingServiceInfo(address _staking, address _addr) external onlyOwner { require( _staking != address(0x0) && _addr != address(0x0), "Invalid Address" ); uint256 _fee = IStaking(_staking).performanceFee(); IStaking(_staking).setServiceInfo(_addr, _fee); emit TransferBuyBackWallet(_staking, _addr); } /** * @notice It allows the admin to recover wrong tokens sent to the contract * @param _token: the address of the token to withdraw * @dev This function is only callable by admin. */ function rescueTokens(address _token) external onlyOwner { require( _token != address(token) && _token != dividendToken && _token != pair, "Cannot be token & dividend token, pair" ); uint256 _tokenAmount; if (_token == address(0x0)) { _tokenAmount = address(this).balance; payable(msg.sender).transfer(_tokenAmount); } else { _tokenAmount = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _tokenAmount); } emit AdminTokenRecovered(_token, _tokenAmount); } /************************ ** Internal Methods *************************/ /** * @notice get token from ETH via swap. * @param _amountIn: eth amount to swap * @param _path: swap path * @param _to: receiver address */ function _safeSwapEth( uint256 _amountIn, address[] memory _path, address _to ) internal returns (uint256) { uint256[] memory amounts = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress).getAmountsOut( _amountIn, _path ); uint256 amountOut = amounts[amounts.length - 1]; address _token = _path[_path.length - 1]; uint256 beforeAmt = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress) .swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens{ value: _amountIn }( (amountOut * slippageFactor) / PERCENT_PRECISION, _path, _to, block.timestamp + 600 ); uint256 afterAmt = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); return afterAmt - beforeAmt; } /** * @notice swap token based on path. * @param _amountIn: token amount to swap * @param _path: swap path * @param _to: receiver address */ function _safeSwap( uint256 _amountIn, address[] memory _path, address _to ) internal returns (uint256) { uint256[] memory amounts = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress).getAmountsOut( _amountIn, _path ); uint256 amountOut = amounts[amounts.length - 1]; IERC20(_path[0]).safeApprove(uniRouterAddress, _amountIn); address _token = _path[_path.length - 1]; uint256 beforeAmt = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress) .swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( _amountIn, (amountOut * slippageFactor) / PERCENT_PRECISION, _path, _to, block.timestamp + 600 ); uint256 afterAmt = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); return afterAmt - beforeAmt; } /** * @notice add token-ETH liquidity. * @param _token: token address * @param _ethAmt: eth amount to add liquidity * @param _tokenAmt: token amount to add liquidity * @param _to: receiver address */ function _addLiquidityEth( address _token, uint256 _ethAmt, uint256 _tokenAmt, address _to ) internal returns ( uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountETH, uint256 liquidity ) { IERC20(_token).safeIncreaseAllowance(uniRouterAddress, _tokenAmt); (amountToken, amountETH, liquidity) = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress) .addLiquidityETH{ value: _ethAmt }( address(_token), _tokenAmt, 0, 0, _to, block.timestamp + 600 ); IERC20(_token).safeApprove(uniRouterAddress, uint256(0)); } receive() external payable {}}
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @author Brewlabs
* This treasury contract has been developed by
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./libs/IUniFactory.sol";
import "./libs/IUniRouter02.sol";
interface IStaking {
function performanceFee() external view returns (uint256);
function setServiceInfo(address _addr, uint256 _fee) external;
interface IFarm {
function setBuyBackWallet(address _addr) external;
contract BrewlabsTreasury is Ownable {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
bool private isInitialized;
uint256 private constant TIME_UNIT = 1 days;
uint256 private constant PERCENT_PRECISION = 10000;
IERC20 public token;
address public dividendToken;
address public pair;
address private constant USDC = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48;
uint256 public period = 30; // 30 days
uint256 public withdrawalLimit = 500; // 5% of total supply
uint256 public liquidityWithdrawalLimit = 2000; // 20% of LP supply
uint256 public buybackRate = 9500; // 95%
uint256 public addLiquidityRate = 9400; // 94%
uint256 private startTime;
uint256 private sumWithdrawals = 0;
uint256 private sumLiquidityWithdrawals = 0;
address public uniRouterAddress;
address[] public ethToTokenPath;
address[] public ethToDividendPath;
address[] public dividendToTokenPath;
uint256 public slippageFactor = 8300; // 17%
uint256 public constant slippageFactorUL = 9950;
event Initialized(
address token,
address dividendToken,
address router,
address[] ethToTokenPath,
address[] ethToDividendPath,
address[] dividendToTokenPath
event TokenBuyBack(uint256 amountETH, uint256 amountToken);
event TokenBuyBackFromDividend(uint256 amount, uint256 amountToken);
event LiquidityAdded(
uint256 amountETH,
uint256 amountToken,
uint256 liquidity
event LiquidityWithdrawn(uint256 amount);
event Withdrawn(uint256 amount);
event Harvested(address account, uint256 amount);
event Swapped(address token, uint256 amountETH, uint256 amountToken);
event EthHarvested(address to, uint256 amount);
event EmergencyWithdrawn();
event AdminTokenRecovered(address tokenRecovered, uint256 amount);
event UsdcHarvested(address to, uint256[] amounts);
event SetSwapConfig(
uint256 slipPage,
event TransferBuyBackWallet(address staking, address wallet);
event AddLiquidityRateUpdated(uint256 percent);
event BuybackRateUpdated(uint256 percent);
event PeriodUpdated(uint256 duration);
event LiquidityWithdrawLimitUpdated(uint256 percent);
event WithdrawLimitUpdated(uint256 percent);
constructor() {}
* @notice Initialize the contract
* @param _token: token address
* @param _dividendToken: reflection token address
* @param _uniRouter: uniswap router address for swap tokens
* @param _ethToTokenPath: swap path to buy Token
* @param _ethToDividendPath: swap path to buy dividend token
* @param _dividendToTokenPath: swap path to buy Token with dividend token
function initialize(
IERC20 _token,
address _dividendToken,
address _uniRouter,
address[] memory _ethToTokenPath,
address[] memory _ethToDividendPath,
address[] memory _dividendToTokenPath
) external onlyOwner {
require(!isInitialized, "Already initialized");
require(_uniRouter != address(0x0), "invalid address");
require(address(_token) != address(0x0), "invalid token address");
// Make this contract initialized
isInitialized = true;
token = _token;
dividendToken = _dividendToken;
pair = IUniV2Factory(IUniRouter02(_uniRouter).factory()).getPair(
uniRouterAddress = _uniRouter;
ethToTokenPath = _ethToTokenPath;
ethToDividendPath = _ethToDividendPath;
dividendToTokenPath = _dividendToTokenPath;
emit Initialized(
* @notice Buy token from ETH
function buyBack() external onlyOwner {
uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance;
ethAmt = (ethAmt * buybackRate) / PERCENT_PRECISION;
if (ethAmt > 0) {
uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwapEth(ethAmt, ethToTokenPath, address(this));
emit TokenBuyBack(ethAmt, _tokenAmt);
* @notice Buy token from reflections
function buyBackFromDividend() external onlyOwner {
if (dividendToken == address(0x0)) return;
uint256 reflections = IERC20(dividendToken).balanceOf(address(this));
if (reflections > 0) {
uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwap(
emit TokenBuyBackFromDividend(reflections, _tokenAmt);
* @notice Add liquidity
function addLiquidity() external onlyOwner {
ethAmt = (ethAmt * addLiquidityRate) / PERCENT_PRECISION / 2;
) = _addLiquidityEth(address(token), ethAmt, _tokenAmt, address(this));
emit LiquidityAdded(amountETH, amountToken, liquidity);
* @notice Swap and harvest reflection for token
* @param _to: receiver address
function harvest(address _to) external onlyOwner {
if (dividendToken == address(0x0)) {
emit Harvested(_to, ethAmt);
} else {
uint256 _tokenAmt = _safeSwapEth(
emit Swapped(dividendToken, ethAmt, _tokenAmt);
uint256 tokenAmt = IERC20(dividendToken).balanceOf(address(this));
if (tokenAmt > 0) {
IERC20(dividendToken).transfer(_to, tokenAmt);
emit Harvested(_to, tokenAmt);
function harvestETH(address _to) external onlyOwner {
require(_to != address(0x0), "invalid address");
emit EthHarvested(_to, ethAmt);
function harvestUSDC(address _to) external onlyOwner {
if (ethAmt == 0) return;
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress).WETH();
path[1] = USDC;
uint256[] memory amounts = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress)
.swapExactETHForTokens{ value: ethAmt }(
block.timestamp + 600
emit UsdcHarvested(_to, amounts);
* @notice Withdraw token as much as maximum 5% of total supply
* @param _amount: amount to withdraw
function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
uint256 tokenAmt = token.balanceOf(address(this));
require(_amount > 0 && _amount <= tokenAmt, "Invalid Amount");
if (block.timestamp - startTime > period * TIME_UNIT) {
startTime = block.timestamp;
sumWithdrawals = 0;
uint256 limit = (withdrawalLimit * (token.totalSupply())) /
sumWithdrawals + _amount <= limit,
"exceed maximum withdrawal limit for 30 days"
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);
emit Withdrawn(_amount);
* @notice Withdraw liquidity
function withdrawLiquidity(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
uint256 tokenAmt = IERC20(pair).balanceOf(address(this));
sumLiquidityWithdrawals = 0;
uint256 limit = (liquidityWithdrawalLimit * (IERC20(pair).totalSupply())) /
sumLiquidityWithdrawals + _amount <= limit,
"exceed maximum LP withdrawal limit for 30 days"
IERC20(pair).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);
emit LiquidityWithdrawn(_amount);
* @notice Withdraw tokens
* @dev Needs to be for emergency.
function emergencyWithdraw() external onlyOwner {
token.transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmt);
tokenAmt = IERC20(pair).balanceOf(address(this));
IERC20(pair).transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmt);
emit EmergencyWithdrawn();
* @notice Set duration for withdraw limit
* @param _period: duration
function setWithdrawalLimitPeriod(uint256 _period) external onlyOwner {
require(_period >= 10, "small period");
period = _period;
emit PeriodUpdated(_period);
* @notice Set liquidity withdraw limit
* @param _percent: percentage of LP supply in point
function setLiquidityWithdrawalLimit(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner {
require(_percent < PERCENT_PRECISION, "Invalid percentage");
liquidityWithdrawalLimit = _percent;
emit LiquidityWithdrawLimitUpdated(_percent);
* @notice Set withdraw limit
* @param _percent: percentage of total supply in point
function setWithdrawalLimit(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner {
withdrawalLimit = _percent;
emit WithdrawLimitUpdated(_percent);
* @notice Set buyback rate
* @param _percent: percentage in point
function setBuybackRate(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner {
buybackRate = _percent;
emit BuybackRateUpdated(_percent);
* @notice Set addliquidy rate
function setAddLiquidityRate(uint256 _percent) external onlyOwner {
addLiquidityRate = _percent;
emit AddLiquidityRateUpdated(_percent);
* @notice Set buyback wallet of farm contract
* @param _uniRouter: dex router address
* @param _slipPage: slip page for swap
* @param _ethToTokenPath: eth-token swap path
* @param _ethToDividendPath: eth-token swap path
* @param _dividendToTokenPath: eth-token swap path
function setSwapSettings(
uint256 _slipPage,
require(_slipPage <= slippageFactorUL, "_slippage too high");
slippageFactor = _slipPage;
emit SetSwapConfig(
* @notice set buyback wallet of farm contract
* @param _farm: farm contract address
* @param _addr: buyback wallet address
function setFarmServiceInfo(address _farm, address _addr) external onlyOwner {
require(_farm != address(0x0) && _addr != address(0x0), "Invalid Address");
emit TransferBuyBackWallet(_farm, _addr);
* @notice set buyback wallet of staking contract
* @param _staking: staking contract address
function setStakingServiceInfo(address _staking, address _addr)
_staking != address(0x0) && _addr != address(0x0),
"Invalid Address"
uint256 _fee = IStaking(_staking).performanceFee();
IStaking(_staking).setServiceInfo(_addr, _fee);
emit TransferBuyBackWallet(_staking, _addr);
* @notice It allows the admin to recover wrong tokens sent to the contract
* @param _token: the address of the token to withdraw
* @dev This function is only callable by admin.
function rescueTokens(address _token) external onlyOwner {
_token != address(token) && _token != dividendToken && _token != pair,
"Cannot be token & dividend token, pair"
uint256 _tokenAmount;
if (_token == address(0x0)) {
_tokenAmount = address(this).balance;
_tokenAmount = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _tokenAmount);
emit AdminTokenRecovered(_token, _tokenAmount);
** Internal Methods
* @notice get token from ETH via swap.
* @param _amountIn: eth amount to swap
* @param _path: swap path
function _safeSwapEth(
uint256 _amountIn,
address[] memory _path,
address _to
) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256[] memory amounts = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress).getAmountsOut(
uint256 amountOut = amounts[amounts.length - 1];
address _token = _path[_path.length - 1];
uint256 beforeAmt = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
.swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens{ value: _amountIn }(
(amountOut * slippageFactor) / PERCENT_PRECISION,
uint256 afterAmt = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
return afterAmt - beforeAmt;
* @notice swap token based on path.
* @param _amountIn: token amount to swap
function _safeSwap(
IERC20(_path[0]).safeApprove(uniRouterAddress, _amountIn);
* @notice add token-ETH liquidity.
* @param _ethAmt: eth amount to add liquidity
* @param _tokenAmt: token amount to add liquidity
function _addLiquidityEth(
address _token,
uint256 _ethAmt,
uint256 _tokenAmt,
returns (
IERC20(_token).safeIncreaseAllowance(uniRouterAddress, _tokenAmt);
(amountToken, amountETH, liquidity) = IUniRouter02(uniRouterAddress)
.addLiquidityETH{ value: _ethAmt }(
IERC20(_token).safeApprove(uniRouterAddress, uint256(0));
receive() external payable {}
The "BrewlabsTreasury" Solidity smart contract is a treasury management contract designed for financial operations involving ERC-20 tokens. It enables functionalities such as token buybacks from ETH and reflections, liquidity additions, and controlled token and LP withdrawals. The contract utilizes the Uniswap decentralized exchange for token swaps and provides configurable parameters for withdrawal limits, buyback rates, and slippage factors.
Additionally, it includes features for emergency withdrawals and token recovery. Users can initialize the contract, configure settings, and interact with various financial operations. Caution and thorough testing are advised before deploying this contract on the Ethereum network.
The "BrewlabsTreasury" contract defines the following privileged roles:Owner:
External Contracts Interaction:
Uniswap Router Interaction:
Token Recovery:
Contract Initialization:
function _addLiquidityEth( address _token, uint256 _ethAmt, uint256 _tokenAmt, address _to ) internal
Location in code: Inside the function addLiquidityEth(...) internalLine number: 1003-1015Description: The contract may be susceptible to reentrancy attacks during the addition of liquidity.
function rescueTokens(address _token) external onlyOwner { require( _token != address(token) && _token != dividendToken && _token != pair, "Cannot be token & dividend token, pair" ); uint256 _tokenAmount; if (_token == address(0x0)) { _tokenAmount = address(this).balance; payable(msg.sender).transfer(_tokenAmount); } else { _tokenAmount = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _tokenAmount); } emit AdminTokenRecovered(_token, _tokenAmount); }
Location in code: Inside the function rescueTokens(...) external onlyOwnerLine number: 827-856Description: The contract allows the owner to recover any token without restrictions.
function emergencyWithdraw() external onlyOwner { uint256 tokenAmt = token.balanceOf(address(this)); if (tokenAmt > 0) { token.transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmt); } tokenAmt = IERC20(pair).balanceOf(address(this)); if (tokenAmt > 0) { IERC20(pair).transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmt); } uint256 ethAmt = address(this).balance; if (ethAmt > 0) { payable(msg.sender).transfer(ethAmt); } emit EmergencyWithdrawn(); }
Location in code: Inside the `emergencyWithdraw` functionLine number: 564-594Description: The `emergencyWithdraw` function allows the owner to withdraw tokens, LP, and ETH. However, there is a risk of reentrancy attacks as the contract balance is transferred before updating the contract state. Consider implementing the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern to mitigate reentrancy risks.
function initialize( IERC20 _token, address _dividendToken, address _uniRouter, address[] memory _ethToTokenPath, address[] memory _ethToDividendPath, address[] memory _dividendToTokenPath ) external onlyOwner { require(!isInitialized, "Already initialized"); require(_uniRouter != address(0x0), "invalid address"); require(address(_token) != address(0x0), "invalid token address"); // Make this contract initialized isInitialized = true; token = _token; dividendToken = _dividendToken; pair = IUniV2Factory(IUniRouter02(_uniRouter).factory()).getPair( _ethToTokenPath[0], address(token) );uniRouterAddress = _uniRouter; ethToTokenPath = _ethToTokenPath; ethToDividendPath = _ethToDividendPath; dividendToTokenPath = _dividendToTokenPath;emit Initialized( address(_token), _dividendToken, _uniRouter, _ethToTokenPath, _ethToDividendPath, _dividendToTokenPath ); }
Location in code: Inside the `initialize` functionLine number: 196-262Description: The `initialize` function does not check if the contract is already initialized, allowing potential reinitialization by the owner. Consider adding a check to ensure that the initialization can only happen once.
function setSwapSettings( address _uniRouter, uint256 _slipPage, address[] memory _ethToTokenPath, address[] memory _ethToDividendPath, address[] memory _dividendToTokenPath ) external onlyOwner { require(_uniRouter != address(0x0), "invalid address"); require(_slipPage <= slippageFactorUL, "_slippage too high"); uniRouterAddress = _uniRouter; slippageFactor = _slipPage; ethToTokenPath = _ethToTokenPath; ethToDividendPath = _ethToDividendPath; dividendToTokenPath = _dividendToTokenPath; emit SetSwapConfig( _uniRouter, _slipPage, _ethToTokenPath, _ethToDividendPath, _dividendToTokenPath ); }
Location in code: Inside the `setSwapSettings` functionLine number: 712-756Description: The `slippageFactorUL` variable is defined but not utilized in the function. Consider removing the unused variable to improve code readability.
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